
Mad Mark Monday. "Laser Sail From Kaneohe To Hawaii Kai."

Mark Denzer, the circumnavigator of Oahu is back. Our intrepid hero decided to sail from Kaneohe to Hawaii Kai in a Laser, no easy feat.



Sailing out of Kaneohe Bay looks like a lot of fun. I took a gander at the chart, Mark went through some shallow waters....and a "PROHIBITED AREA."


Look, reef!


It can get rough!


"Total distance 26.1 nautical miles. 5 hours. But it took an hour to get to r2. There was no wind in the bay. Then I had to tack a whole bunch of times to get past Mokapu Point (the base) due to current and a big righty."


Stop whining, start sailing!
(photo Bernd block ASVzR, cc by RostockSailing.de ).

Ungdommene fra Sola brettseilingsklubb lar ikke snøføyk og sure minusgrader stoppe dem fra å seile i førjulstiden. (Young people from the Sun windsurfing club did not let acid (acid..yikes!) snøw and freezing temperatures stop them from sailing before Christmas.)

Click the photo of the kids to see all the photos
ded·i·cat·ed  (dd-ktd)adj.

1. Wholly committed to a particular course of thought or action; devoted: a dedicated sailor.

Links: Seilas | Rockstock Sailing | Conjuminando | Sola Brettseilerforening