To Know Her Is To Love Her.


Чтобы узнать, знаю знаю ее Это любовь любовь любовь ее Только, чтобы видеть ее улыбку Делает мою жизнь стоит Чтобы узнать, знаю знаю ее Это любовь любовь любовь ее И я делаю.
Thank you Comrade Oh Dock!

To know, know, know her
is to love, love, love her.
'Just, just to see her smile,
makes my life worth while.

Are you asking yourself what does a photo of a young Bridget Brigitte Bardot have to do with a Beatles tune? Well let me tell you. Our comrade from Sacramento left a comment under the "If You Row, You Know" post written in Russian. By using the magic of Google, I translated his comment into English. There was all this "to know know know her is love love love her" stuff. Remembering that the Tillerman had assigned a Beatles themed task to the class, I did a search. Sure enough, "To Know Her Is To Love Her" by the Beatles turned up. Just for the heck of it, I did an image search and up popped the lovely Ms. Bardot. Et Dieu créa la femme.